@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ function main() |
doPair() |
doPickup() |
doPtt() |
trailer_fix_afk() |
if script_run then |
doCruise() |
if not sampIsScoreboardOpen() and sampIsChatVisible() and not isKeyDown(116) and not isKeyDown(121) and fastmapshow == nil then |
@ -2087,30 +2086,17 @@ end |
function loadEvents() |
time_send_trailer_sync = 0 |
function sampev.onSendVehicleSync() |
time_send_trailer_sync = os.time() |
sampfuncsLog("onSendVehicleSync") |
end |
function sampev.onSendTrailerSync() |
time_send_trailer_sync = os.time() |
sampfuncsLog("send traile sync") |
-- if os.time() - time_send_trailer_sync < 2 then |
-- if isCharInAnyCar(PLAYER_PED) then |
-- local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(PLAYER_PED) |
-- local ptr = getCarPointer(car) |
-- local trailer = readMemory(ptr + 1224, 4, false) |
-- if readMemory(ptr + 1224, 4, false) == 0 and trailer > 0 then |
-- time_send_trailer_sync = os.time() |
-- local data = samp_create_sync_data("vehicle") |
-- data.send() |
-- local data = samp_create_sync_data("trailer") |
-- data.send() |
-- say("SYNC SEND") |
-- end |
-- end |
if os.time() - time_send_trailer_sync >= 2 then |
local data = samp_create_sync_data("vehicle") |
data.send() |
end |
end |
function sampev.onVehicleSync(playerId, vehicleId, data) |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create(luChecker.vehicleSync, playerId, vehicleId, data) |
@ -4386,15 +4372,6 @@ function getPort(x, y, z) |
return minResult, resX, resY, resZ |
end |
time_send_trailer_sync = os.time() |
function trailer_fix_afk() |
end |
function samp_create_sync_data(sync_type, copy_from_player) |
local ffi = require "ffi" |
local sampfuncs = require "sampfuncs" |