@ -1020,33 +1020,41 @@ function doPickup() |
end |
end |
function check_press_key(table) |
local result = false |
local result_key_text = "" |
for i = 1, #table do |
if isKeyDown(vkeys[table[i]]) then |
result = true |
result_key_text = table[i]:gsub("VK_", "") |
break |
end |
end |
return result, result_key_text |
end |
cruise = false |
function doCruise() |
if not inifiles.Settings.Cruise then return end |
if cruise == nil then cruise = false end |
if not isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) then |
additional_key_stop = { "VK_W", "VK_S", "VK_SPACE" } |
local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed) |
if not isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) or not isCarEngineOn(car) then |
if cruise then |
cruise = false |
printStringNow('~R~Cruise Control - OFF', 1500) |
printStringNow('~R~cruise control - OFF', 1500) |
end |
return |
end |
local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed) |
if cruise and not isCarEngineOn(car) then |
cruise = false |
printStringNow('~R~Cruise Control - OFF', 1500) |
return |
end |
if not sampIsChatInputActive( ) and not sampIsDialogActive( ) and not sampIsCursorActive( ) then |
if pressW ~= nil and not isKeyDown(87) then |
pressW = nil |
end |
if not cruise and isKeyDown(87) and isKeyDown(vkeys[inifiles.Settings.Key4]) and isCarEngineOn(car) and isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) then |
if not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not sampIsCursorActive() then |
if not cruise and isKeyDown(vkeys["VK_W"]) and isKeyDown(vkeys[inifiles.Settings.Key4]) then |
repeat |
wait(100) |
until not isKeyDown(vkeys["VK_W"]) |
cruise = true |
pressW = true |
printStringNow('~G~Cruise Control - ON', 1500) |
elseif cruise and not isKeyDown(vkeys[inifiles.Settings.Key4]) and isKeyDown(87) and pressW == nil then |
printStringNow('~G~cruise control - ON', 1500) |
elseif cruise and not isKeyDown(vkeys[inifiles.Settings.Key4]) and select(1, check_press_key(additional_key_stop)) then |
cruise = false |
printStringNow('~R~Cruise Control - OFF', 1500) |
printStringNow('~R~cruise control - OFF', 1500) |
end |
end |
if cruise then |