@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ function main() |
createDirectory(AdressFolder) |
end |
settings_load() |
threads_save[#threads_save+1] = lua_thread.create(get_time) |
lua_thread.create(get_time) |
logAvailable() |
for k,v in pairs(prices_mon) do |
prices_mon[k] = inifiles.tmonitor[k] |
@ -209,10 +209,12 @@ function main() |
font = renderCreateFont(inifiles.Render.FontName, inifiles.Render.FontSize, inifiles.Render.FontFlag) |
--gmap area |
threads_save[#threads_save+1] = lua_thread.create(transponder) |
threads_save[#threads_save+1] = lua_thread.create(fastmap) |
threads_save[#threads_save+1] = lua_thread.create(renderTruckers) |
threads_save[#threads_save+1] = lua_thread.create(luChecker.checker) |
lua_thread.create(transponder) |
lua_thread.create(fastmap) |
lua_thread.create(renderTruckers) |
lua_thread.create(luChecker.checker) |
lua_thread.create(doCruise) |
--lua_thread.create(script_update.main) |
@ -231,7 +233,6 @@ function main() |
doPickup() |
doPtt() |
if script_run then |
doCruise() |
if not sampIsScoreboardOpen() and sampIsChatVisible() and not isKeyDown(116) and not isKeyDown(121) and fastmapshow == nil then |
doRenderStats() |
doRenderMon() |
@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ function doControl() |
delay.dir = 1 |
end |
if i == 7 and script_run then |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create(showTruckers) |
lua_thread.create(showTruckers) |
end |
if i == 8 then |
ShowDialog1(1) |
@ -829,7 +830,7 @@ function doDialog() |
end |
if str:find("Î÷èñòèòü íåèñïîëüçóåìóþ ïàìÿòü ñêðèïòà") then |
local mem_do = string.format('%0.2f MB', (tonumber(gcinfo()) / 1000)) |
collectgarbage() |
collectgarbage("step") |
sampAddChatMessage('Ïàìÿòè î÷èùåíà. Áûëî: '..mem_do..'. Ñòàëî: '..string.format('%0.2f MB', (tonumber(gcinfo()) / 1000)), -1) |
ShowDialog1(1) |
end |
@ -1063,7 +1064,9 @@ end |
cruise = false |
function doCruise() |
if not inifiles.Settings.Cruise then return end |
while true do |
wait(0) |
if inifiles.Settings.Cruise and script_run then |
additional_key_stop = { "VK_W", "VK_S", "VK_SPACE" } |
local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed) |
if not isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) or not isCarEngineOn(car) then |
@ -1071,15 +1074,14 @@ function doCruise() |
cruise = false |
printStringNow('~R~cruise control - OFF', 1500) |
end |
return |
end |
if not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not sampIsCursorActive() then |
if not cruise and isKeyDown(vkeys["VK_W"]) and isKeyDown(vkeys[inifiles.Settings.Key4]) then |
cruise = true |
printStringNow('~G~cruise control - ON', 1500) |
repeat |
wait(100) |
until not isKeyDown(vkeys["VK_W"]) |
cruise = true |
printStringNow('~G~cruise control - ON', 1500) |
elseif cruise and not isKeyDown(vkeys[inifiles.Settings.Key4]) and select(1, check_press_key(additional_key_stop)) then |
cruise = false |
printStringNow('~R~cruise control - OFF', 1500) |
@ -1089,6 +1091,8 @@ function doCruise() |
setGameKeyState(16, 255) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function doRenderStats() |
if pos[1] then |
@ -1973,7 +1977,7 @@ function ShowDialog1(int, dtext, dinput, string_or_number, ini1, ini2) |
) |
end |
if int == 4 then |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create( |
lua_thread.create( |
function() |
wait(100) |
local key = "" |
@ -2095,23 +2099,24 @@ function loadEvents() |
time_send_trailer_sync = 0 |
function sampev.onSendVehicleSync() |
time_send_trailer_sync = os.time() |
sampfuncsLog("onSendVehicleSync") |
end |
function sampev.onSendTrailerSync() |
sampfuncsLog("send traile sync") |
if os.time() - time_send_trailer_sync >= 2 then |
local data = samp_create_sync_data("vehicle") |
data.send() |
end |
end |
function sampev.onVehicleSync(playerId, vehicleId, data) |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create(luChecker.vehicleSync, playerId, vehicleId, data) |
--lua_thread.create(luChecker.vehicleSync, playerId, vehicleId, data) |
luChecker.vehicleSync(playerId, vehicleId, data) |
end |
function sampev.onTrailerSync(playerId, data) |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create(luChecker.trailerSync, playerId, data) |
--lua_thread.create(luChecker.trailerSync, playerId, data) |
luChecker.trailerSync(playerId, data) |
end |
function sampev.onVehicleStreamOut(vehicleId) |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create(luChecker.vehicleStream, false, vehicleId) |
--lua_thread.create(luChecker.vehicleStream, false, vehicleId) |
luChecker.vehicleStream(false, vehicleId) |
end |
function sampev.onSendChat(message) |
antiflood = os.clock() * 1000 |
@ -2193,7 +2198,8 @@ function loadEvents() |
antiflood = os.clock() * 1000 |
end |
function sampev.onVehicleStreamIn(vehicleId, data) |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create(luChecker.vehicleStream, true, vehicleId, data) |
--lua_thread.create(luChecker.vehicleStream, true, vehicleId, data) |
luChecker.vehicleStream(true, vehicleId, data) |
if inifiles ~= nil and not inifiles.Settings.Tuning and (data.type == 403 or data.type == 515) then |
data.modSlots[8] = 0 |
return {vehicleId, data} |
@ -2651,7 +2657,7 @@ function loadEvents() |
end |
if string.find(Dtitle, "Ðàáîòû") and delay.dir == 3 then |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create( |
lua_thread.create( |
function() |
repeat |
wait(0) |
@ -2673,7 +2679,7 @@ function loadEvents() |
end |
function sampev.onCreate3DText(id, color, position, distance, testLOS, attachedPlayerId, attachedVehicleId, text) -- f3d1 |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create( |
lua_thread.create( |
function(id, color, position, distance, testLOS, attachedPlayerId, attachedVehicleId, textt) |
for k, v in pairs(find_3dText) do |
@ -2765,7 +2771,7 @@ function loadEvents() |
end |
function sampev.onRemove3DTextLabel(Cid) -- f3d2 |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create(function(Cid) |
lua_thread.create(function(Cid) |
if id_3D_text == Cid then |
id_3D_text = msk_timestamp |
load_location = false |
@ -3631,7 +3637,7 @@ function get_time() |
_time = os.time() |
if inifiles.Settings.AutoClear then |
threads = {} |
collectgarbage() |
collectgarbage("step") |
end |
end |
end |
@ -4104,6 +4110,7 @@ end |
function luChecker.checkerLoad(playerId, data, position) -- Ïðîâåðêà êîãäà èãðîê ïîëó÷èë ãðóç |
if luChecker.truckers[playerId]["trailerData"]["trailerId"] ~= data["trailerId"] then |
say(luChecker.truckers[playerId]["trailerData"]["trailerId"].." - "..data["trailerId"]) |
sampAddChatMessage(data["trailerId"],-1) |
if getLocalPlayerId() ~= playerId then |
local trucker_x, trucker_y, trucker_z = position.x, position.y, position.z |
@ -4378,7 +4385,7 @@ script_update = { |
script_update.menu.init() |
end, |
command = function() |
threads[#threads+1] = lua_thread.create(function() |
lua_thread.create(function() |
local fpath = os.tmpname() |
local result, text = openURL(script_update.auto_update_url, fpath) |
if result and text ~= "" and text:find(thisScript().name:gsub("%-", "%%-")) then |