@ -1069,8 +1069,7 @@ function doCruise() |
wait(0) |
if inifiles.Settings.Cruise and script_run then |
additional_key_stop = { "VK_W", "VK_S", "VK_SPACE" } |
local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed) |
if not isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) or not isCarEngineOn(car) then |
if not isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) or not isCarEngineOn(storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed)) then |
if cruise then |
cruise = false |
printStringNow('~R~cruise control - OFF', 1500) |
@ -3595,7 +3594,9 @@ function onScriptTerminate(LuaScript, quitGame) |
end |
delete_all__3dTextplayers() |
removeBlip(pttBlip) |
sampDestroy3dText(ptt3dText) |
if sampIs3dTextDefined(ptt3dText) then |
sampDestroy3dText(ptt3dText) |
end |
deleteActor(999) |
end |
end |
@ -4311,7 +4312,6 @@ end |
function openURL(url, fpath) |
local result = false |
local text = "" |
local file_download = false |
local download_final = false |
@ -4338,16 +4338,19 @@ function openURL(url, fpath) |
if file_download then |
local f = io.open(fpath, "r") |
if f then |
result = true |
text = f:read("*a") |
io.close(f) |
end |
os.remove(fpath) |
else |
end |
if text:find("Not found") or text == "" then |
text = "" |
addChatMessage("Íå óäàëîñü ñêà÷àòü îáíîâëåíèå ïî ññûëêå:") |
addChatMessage(url) |
end |
return result, text |
return text |
end |
@ -4366,18 +4369,20 @@ script_update = { |
local ini = inicfg.load({ |
[name] = { |
check_update = true, |
auto_update = true |
auto_update = true, |
server_version = "" |
} |
}, script_update.address_ini) |
ini[name].version_url = script_update.version_url |
ini[name].script_url = script_update.script_url |
ini[name].changelog_url = script_update.changelog_url |
ini[name].version = thisScript().version |
ini[name].script_name = thisScript().name |
inicfg.save(ini, script_update.address_ini) |
if ini[name].check_update or ini[name].auto_update then |
local fpath = os.tmpname() |
local result, text = openURL(script_update.version_url, fpath) |
local result, text = pcall(openURL, script_update.version_url, fpath) |
if result then |
ini[name].server_version = text |
if text ~= "" and not string.find(text, thisScript().version) then |
addChatMessage( string.format("Âûøëà íîâàÿ âåðñèÿ '%s'. Òåêóùàÿ: '%s'", text, thisScript().version) ) |
if ini[name].auto_update then |
@ -4391,12 +4396,13 @@ script_update = { |
end |
end |
end |
inicfg.save(ini, script_update.address_ini) |
script_update.menu.init() |
end, |
command = function() |
lua_thread.create(function() |
-- local fpath = os.tmpname() |
-- local result, text = openURL(script_update.script_url, fpath) |
-- local result, text = pcall(openURL, script_update.script_url, fpath) |
-- if result and text ~= "" and text:find(thisScript().name:gsub("%-", "%%-")) then |
-- local file, error = io.open(thisScript().path, "w") |
-- if file ~= nil then |
@ -4441,8 +4447,6 @@ script_update = { |
script_update.menu2.show(script_update.menu2.data) |
end |
end |
else |
say("Êîìàíäà çàðåãàíà") |
end |
end, |
show = function() |
@ -4452,9 +4456,8 @@ script_update = { |
local ini = inicfg.load({}, script_update.address_ini) |
for k,v in pairs(ini) do |
script_update.menu.ini[#script_update.menu.ini+1] = v |
script_update.menu.text[#script_update.menu.text+1] = string.format("%s", k) |
script_update.menu.text[#script_update.menu.text+1] = string.format("%s\t%s%s", k, (v.version == v.server_version and "{59fc30}" or "{ff0000}"),v.version) |
script_update.menu.dialog[#script_update.menu.dialog+1] = function(data) |
-- script_update.menu.show() |
script_update.menu2.show(data) |
end |
end |
@ -4462,7 +4465,7 @@ script_update = { |
for i = 1, #script_update.menu.text do |
text = text..script_update.menu.text[i].."\n" |
end |
sampShowDialog(2160,"Îáíîâëåíèå ñêðèïòîâ: Rubin Mods",text,"Âûáðàòü","Çàêðûòü",2) |
sampShowDialog(2160,"Îáíîâëåíèå ñêðèïòîâ: Rubin Mods","Ñêðèïò\tÂåðñèÿ\n"..text,"Âûáðàòü","Çàêðûòü",5) |
end |
}, |
menu2 = { |
@ -4509,7 +4512,7 @@ script_update = { |
}, |
changelog = function(url, data) |
local fpath = os.tmpname() |
local result, text = openURL(url, fpath) |
local result, text = pcall(openURL, url, fpath) |
if result then |
sampShowDialog(2161,"Changelog - "..thisScript().name,text,"Âûáðàòü","Íàçàä",4) |
end |